Published: 06/27/2019
Grand Rounds | Berg Hall, Li Ka Shing Center
Eugene Richardson, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor of Global Health and Social Medicine, completed his residency in internal medicine (2011) and fellowship in infectious disease (2015) at Stanford Hospital, and earned his PhD in anthropology at Stanford University (2017). Now an Assistant Professor of Global Health and Social Medicine at Harvard Medical School, Dr. Richardson will discuss responses to Ebola outbreaks.

Dr. Richardson previously served as the clinical lead for Partners in Health’s Ebola response in Kono District, Sierra Leone, where he conducted mixed-methods research projects related to the 2014-16 Ebola outbreak. His overall focus is on biosocial approaches to epidemic disease prevention, containment, and treatment in sub-Saharan Africa. He has also worked as a clinician for Médecins Sans Frontières, a World Bank consultant for HIV prevention in Swaziland, and a research scientist at the Desmond Tutu HIV Centre, University of Cape Town, South Africa.